Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Execution matters

Jeff Haynie has written an excellent post on what matters for entrepreneurship. Its not ideas that matter a lot but the execution part. Especially for folks who have full-time jobs, or don't have funds or are out of job. I have seen and heard from many friends and colleagues about different ideas and plans. Even I have ideas. But they remain ideas. And end up creating a lot of frustration if one keeps the ideas in their head, think about it all the time but can't put them into action. It really takes a lot of pain, stress, hard work and motivation to put the ideas into action.

As the saying goes, Entrepreneurs find a way.....

1 comment:

Murli said...

good one. Very interesting and important article ppl should read.

As u rightly mentioned, "execution" is all that matters and all that makes the difference :-)