Friday, January 09, 2009

set facebook user status

If you are familiar with facebook (or for that matter, any one of the gazillion social networking applications out there), there is a way for a user to set his status - any random string. Just like one can set a custom message on his favorite IM client.

One of my friend was exploring the facebook REST api's and was trying to set the status via the REST api. Now facebook has a peculiar feature where for certain functionality, the service adds additional security and needs additional permissions. Now, setting of the status is one such api that needs additional permission. And my friend was finding it hard to figure out how to get the permission using the REST apis. There are means to get the permission if you develop for/on the facebook platform. I too did take a look at the perl facebook api module but got fed up.

Then I googled and found this link. I used the code and ran the script. I was able to login but could not set the status nor fetch the status. So I spent some time hacking around and looking at the response from the facebook and updated the script. Now the script works, one can set the status and get the current status as well. Remember, this is not using the REST apis or the web service. I guess this is called as data scraping or spoofing? I am not sure. The code/script is not optimized but ...

Anyway, here is the perl code. The script takes the facebook login email, pass and status string as the argument...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $email;
my $password;

my $user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/'; # whatever...

#print "Please enter FB email for login\n";
$email = $ARGV[0]; #read the login e-mail
#print "Please enter FB password\n";
$password= $ARGV[1]; #read the password

print "Thanks\n";

chomp($email); #remove last line

my %postLoginData; #necessary post data for login

our $response; #holds the response the HTTP requests
#set the headers, let's make this a Firefox browser!
my @header = ('Referer'=>'', 'User-Agent'=>$user_agent);

our $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(file=>'fbkCookies.dat',autosave=>1, ignore_discard=>1);

our $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; #init browser

# incase you are behind a proxy
# $browser->proxy(['http', 'https'], '');


#here we actually login!
$response = $browser->post('',\%postLoginData,@header);

#was login successful?
if($response->content =~ /Incorrect Email/) {
print "Login Failed...Quitting..\n";
else {
print "..and we are in!\n";
#let's go to the homepage
$response = $browser->get('',@header);

$response->content =~ /

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