Sunday, April 27, 2008

ACM monthly talk on RIA

I attended the talk on Rich Internet Applications (RIA) by Mrinal Wadhwa at this month's ACM monthly talk held at the Computer Society of India premises on 26th April, saturday.

The subject matter of the talk was really quiet alien to me but given the buzz around AIR, Silverlight and AJAX and given that this was an introductory session, I attended the talk anyways. The attendance was quite good with around 20-25 folks and all of them from some well known companies and working on enterprise solutions. There were some startup folks in as well. Mrinal went over what RIA is and how it has evolved over the years and then moved to Flex, Flash programming and Adobe AIR. Later on the talk was more inclined towards the Adobe RIA technologies. He showed some of the desktop applications written using Adobe AIR and they looked quite impressive. We also created some very simple web app and desktop app using Adobe AIR technology with the same base code and shown how the desktop and the web are coming together. Mrinal's talk was full of energy, the presentation slides were slick and the attendants were really knowledgeable. The talk and the discussions went on for almost 2.5 hours which was well over the stipulated time of 1 hour. All in all, a great time.

The presentation slides are available at the acm website here.

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