Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ruby 1.9 released

Ruby version 1.9 has been released, as Matz had indicated earlier that he would do so on Christmas eve. Mind you, this is a development release and not to be put in production servers. However, one of the interesting things about this release is the speed compared to 1.8 series. I haven't run any comparision tests, but following the tests run from other folks it seems 1.9 release runs about 3 times faster than 1.8.6. That's an awesome improvement and the due credit must goto the core development team. The latest packages are available on the link above.

I am not aware of the Rails roadmap and hence not sure when Rails will be able to run ruby 1.9. But when it does, it will take away some of the speed issues that rails web applications have. And hopefully give the rails folks something to fight the django guys off w.r.t speed :)

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