Well, I have recently taken up reading the book "The Pragmatic Programmers: From Jorneyman to Master" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. My comments are reserved for later once I finish...
From the stable of Pragmatic Bokshelf, I came across yet another new book titled "My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job" by Chad Fowler. I just read the introduction and couple of other sample chapters and was impressed. This guy knows what he is writing and was bowled by his overall grasp of the situation and the compulsions of the business people who are outsourcing the work.
I have always empathised with the Western software folks when this outsourcing phenomenon started. And I see the same empathy and concern from the author about the jobs being shipped to India and other low cost countries.
"These were sons and daughters who were scraping by, trying to raise money to support their parents and their spouses parents. These were mothers and fathers whose IT jobs meant the difference between really educating their children or sending them to a school from which the further educational options have a hard limit. They werenÂt trying to steal the American dream. They were trying to squeeze a once-dry economy for a few drops of life-giving
cash flow"
The above quote is taken from the introduction chapter of the book "My Job Went to India: 52 Ways to Save Your Job"" by Chad Fowler.
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